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Widget Box Shadow


The widget box shadow properties stand for generating shadows on the border of the widgets.

Widget Box Shadow: This video contains information about How to add and format widget box shadow properties in OPNBI.

Follow below steps to know about Widget Box Shadow property :

Steps to follow

  1. Click on widget setting icon from edit mode and you will see property as Widget Box Shadow Properties as below screenshot;

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  1. By the clicking on the checkbox, you can enable Box Shadow in particular widget, and its functions menu will appear, as shown in below:

User can see, by default this setting takes red color as shadow color and it is applied on selected widget.

Docusaurus Slash Introduction

  1. The Docusaurus Slash Introduction Reset to default button used to make default changes in whole box shadow properties, by clicking on this button you can set default values in all the existing functionalities.

  2. The Box Shadow Horizontal and Box Shadow Vertical used to add shadows in the horizontal and vertical offset of the shadow. A positive value puts the shadow on the, right side of the box,a negative value puts the shadow on the left side of the box. A positive value puts the shadow below the box, a negative value puts the shadow above the box.

  1. The Box Shadow Colour is use to set colour of shadow, you can also set the opacity of the selected colour in it, and user can also enter colour code to fetch colour for shadow.
  1. Box Shadow Blur radius used to add blur in widget's shadow, The higher the number, the more blurred the shadow will be.